时间:2021-11-8 8:54:50 作者:雅信博文翻译
在英汉互译的过程中往往会出现倍数的翻译,对于倍数的表达,汉语一般就表达为a 是b的多少倍,或者a 比b多多少倍,但是在英语中,倍数的表达方法有很多种,下面,雅信博文翻译公司对英语倍数的表达方式做出总结:
1.a是b的n倍 大/长……(或者a比b大/长……n-1倍)
(1) a is n times as large/long (形容词/副词原形) as b.
eg: Asia is four times as large as Europe.
(2) a is n times larger/longer(形容词/副词比较级)than b.
eg: Asia is four times larger than europe.
(3) a is n times the size/length (形容词/副词的名词形式) of b.
eg: Asia is four times the size of europe.
2. by 和to
(1) 动词+ by + 倍数/百分数/数词
eg: The production of grain has been increased by four times this year.
(2) 动词+ to + 数词
eg: Last year profits rose to $201 million.
3. by a factor of
词组by a factor of 在《朗文双解》中的解释为"if something increases or decreases by a factor of n, it increases or decreases by n times."以n倍的系数增加或减少。这个解释表达不是很明确,现在把它分成以下两种情况来分析:
increase/grow...by a factor of n times 增加到n倍,或者增加了n-1倍
eg: The output of diesel oil for farm use has been increased by a factor of five times these years.
decrease/fall...by a factor of n times 减少到1/n,或者减少了(n-1)/n。
eg: The production has decreased by a factor of three times as against 1977.